Change Log

Version 0.1 20180813: Warning: NGCM is still new. Do not get too attached to your pixel troops. The system may be reset during this initial period to correct problems and/or add new functionality. If you take a look at your divisions one day and they are empty it is probably because of this ;-)
Version 0.2 20180813: AttackDefend scenario type added. Regimental commander names added to all regiments. Collapsed download scenarios page into battles list. Added different commander pictures to OOBs in game.
Version 0.3 20180813: Replay Viewer added. Courier/No courier option removed.
Version 0.4 20180813: Battle Queues added. Added some randomization to regiment stats (doesn't just follow experience up and down now). Replacements will now be much harder on regiments with experience 7-9, it will be the same as it was for regiments with experience 4-6, and it will be much easier on regiments with experience 0-3.
Version 0.5 20180813: Adding "objective style." It can be either Even, 50-50, or 75-25. The Even style is what was normal before. The 50-50 means that the major objective (object #1) will be worth 50% of the total objective value and the other objectives will evenly split the other 50%. The 75-25 means that the major objective will be worth 75% of the total objective value the other objectives will evenly split the other 25%. These styles only only work with objective counts greater than or equal to 3.
Version 0.6 20180813: Added civil war style background images to main pages. Added running headcount to replay viewer.
Version 0.7 20180816: Updated front page. Added Divisions unit page for viewing other player's divisions. Added links to these divisions from Artillery, Commanders, and Infantry pages when a unit is in a division.
Version 0.8 20180823: Added Army/Corps Preference to user preferences. Changed new regiment parameters to be smaller, but higher experience.
Version 0.9 20180831: Added Fixed queue type. Added balancing by player skill options.
Version 1.0 20180901: Added cavalry; they are part of your division like infantry. Random battle parameters now serve to limit division sizes per battle at the hosts discretion.
Version 1.1 20180903: Added host ability to set attacker/defender % troop advantage for AttackDefend games.
Version 1.2 20180909: Added Objective Holder Wagons. Added that objective holders & wagons can be put at the army, corps, or division level.
Version 1.3 20180920: Limited secondary attributes on regiments to +/-2 from experience.
Version 1.4 20180927: Added win rate statistics to divisions page.
Version 1.5 20180929: Adding host ability to NOT balance OOBs.
Version 1.6 20181101: Adding artillery gun replacements to turns and overall game troop limits.
Version 1.7 20181102: Attention: Updated NGCMGameplay mod uploaded (version 0.2). Please download NGCMGameplay to your mods/ directory, activate it in SOW, and remove all previous versions of NGCMGameplay, NGCMGameplayDev, and GCMGameplay2. This change makes rear fire as bad as flank fire, slightly lowers morale loss from each casualty taken, allows units to rally to a higher morale, and makes calvalry not as fatigued.
Version 1.8 20181121: Attention: Updated NGCMGameplay mod uploaded (version 0.3). Please download NGCMGameplay to your mods/ directory, activate it in SOW, and remove all previous versions of NGCMGameplay, NGCMGameplayDev, and GCMGameplay2. This change halves the effectiveness of rear fire: setting it to 1/2 way between what it was in 0.1 and what it was in 0.2.
Version 1.9 20181125: Making Armies always face the center of the map instead of the opposing army.
Version 2.0 20181208: Adding some of the historical & stock maps into the battle generator. Attention Updated NGCMGameplay (version 0.4) mod uploaded and newly created NGCMHistoricalMaps mod. Please delete and re-download & install NGCMGameplay and download, install and activate NGCMHistoricalMaps if you want to play in games using the historical/stock maps.
Version 2.1 20190105: Small bug fix to deal with invalid characters in randomly generated commander names.
Version 2.2 20190126: Added NGCMRandomMaps2 to add in an additional 125 maps.
Version 2.3 20190127: Changed encounter games to have a ~60% chance to be 'opposite sides' spawns and 40% chance to be 'next to' spawns (previously it was ~33% 'opposite' and ~64% 'next to'). Updated the player skill based team balancing algorithm.
Version 2.4 20190201: Added ability for admin to limit user division size. Added ability for admin to cleanup unrecorded battles.
Version 2.5 20190209: Added average experience statistics to division pages..
Version 2.6 20190216: Adding map spawn area and objective area visualization to mini-map on battle generator page. Also added some error checking to map corners to make sure they were valid before creating the battle.
Version 2.7 20190216: Adding saving (per-user) battle generate options.
Version 2.8 20190221: Adding staggered objective appearance option when generating a battle.
Version 2.9 20190223: Added NGCMRandomMaps3 and NGCMRandomMaps4
Version 3.0 20190310: Updating install instructions.
Version 3.1 20190313: SupplyTrain scenario type added.
Version 3.2 20190316: Added NGCMFogOfWarLite mod.
Version 3.3 20190408: Adding a "mercy limit" to the balancer that won't remove regiments from a division of less than 4 regiments unless there are no other larger divisions to remove from.
Version 3.4.0 20190410: Added "Enforce Admin Div Limits" option to battle generator to allow hosts to enforce admin set user division limits or not.
Version 3.4.1 20190412: Small admin clean function fix to clean cavalry too.
Version 3.4.2 20190511: Small change to fix regiment's not recording experience when they had ' in their name
Version 3.5.0 20190526: Updated the way players are distributed through the corps in an army to better utilize the army/corps preference of the user. Also added more of the US Corps/Division/Brigade flags into the game.
Version 3.5.1 20190531: Minor update to the flags
Version 3.6.0 20190601: Updated battle creation option to use "enhanced flags." This requires all users to have the newly updated NGCMFlags (or NGCMFlagsLite) mod installed and activated. Otherwise, battles can still be generated without depending upon these updated flags.
Version 3.6.1 20190713: Minor update for enhanced flags with division commanders
Version 3.6.2 20190719: Changed the max regiments limit per division to separate between infantry (16) and Cavalry (4)
Version 3.7.0 20190720: Adding new game modes: GetSomeShoes and SplitArmy
Version 3.7.1 20190725: Updating spawn type probabilities for SplitArmy game mode
Version 3.7.2 20190817: Further updates to spawn type probabilities for SplitArmy game mode as well as Army/Corps commander choosing
Version 3.8.0 20190806: Updating NGCMGamePlay to version 0.5. Includes some special sprite definitions for specific units: Louisiana Tigers, Cherokee, Stonewall Brigrade, Iron Brigade, Colored Regiments, Bucktail Brigade, Union Western Territories, and fixes to Confederate Zouave regiments. There is also an experimental NGCMGamePlayExp mod that can be used in place of the NGCMGamePlay mod if you want to try out the high definition sprites in battles (note that ALL players must be using either, NGCMGamePlay or NGCMGamePlayExp-- you cannot mix-and-match those mods with players in the same game. Also, you may have more luck getting the NGCMGamePlayExp to load if you turn on NGCMFlagsLite instead of NGCMFlags as it lowers the amount of video memory needed.
Version 3.8.1 20190816: Sorting the division management page and unit list pages better. Added the ability for divisions to have only cavalry or only artillery and then give them preference for holding those unit types on their side. Also updated the NGCMGamePlayExp to version 0.2 to increase the speed of cavalry.
Version 3.8.2 20190817: Adding new host options to limit overall battle size by infantry, artillery, or cavalry
Version 3.9.0 20190819: Adding NGCMRandomMaps5. You need to either download it and activate it as a mod, or re-download the new version (0.2) of the NGCMAllMaps and replace the old version of that mod.
Version 4.0.0 20190830: Adding NGCMRandomMaps6. You need to either download it and activate it as a mod, or re-download the new version (0.3) of the NGCMAllMaps and replace the old version of that mod. Two new host options: weather which affects visiblity and the time of the game scenario. Spawn Bounds which allows either normal or outer spawn locations (sort of like the rest of the army in the GetSomeShoes type). Note that this applies to all scenario types, so it is possible to play GetSomeShoes with normal spawns instead of the rest of the army being on the edge of the map. A new scenario type has been added: Redirection. This scenario type adds in additional objectives that are host configurable as to value and number. These secondary objectives may spawn in any quad that is not the spawn quad and will be "waypoint" type that requires only 1 minute to hold. They will require a significant number of troops to take though (1250 right now) so that a broken regiment or a couple regiments of Cavalry is not enough to take it. They will show up later in the game (with 1 objective 1/2 through the game, with 2 1/3 and 2/3s of the way through, and so forth).
Version 4.0.1 20190831: Increasing experience and other stats gained by brigade and artillery commanders.
Version 4.1.0 20190905: Adding SplitGetSomeShoes, SplitSupplyWagon, and SplitRedirection scenario types.
Version 4.2.0 20190912: Adding regiment tokens. These are earned at a rate of 1 every 25 games of 6+ players. Also making Brigade commander stats effect the headcount of regiments brought to the battle. The balancer now prefers to remove 1 gun batteries and 1 regiment brigades (everything else being equal).
Version 4.2.1 20190914: Updating NGCMGamePlayExp mod in preparation for it replacing NGCMGamePlay. Download it: NGCMGamePlayExp. Also reducing the number of flags used out of the NGCMFlags mod so that it can be successfully used fully with the NGCMGamePlayExp mod.
Version 4.2.2 20190914: Updating NGCMGamePlayExp (again to version 0.4) mod in preparation for it replacing NGCMGamePlay. Download it: NGCMGamePlayExp. This version should have fixed the cavalry speed.
Version 4.2.3 20190915: Small fix to battle recorder to deal with deceased division commander
Version 4.2.4 20190916: Guarding against multiple turns per division by resubmitting a page. Also guarding against a deceased corps and army commander while recording.
Version 4.2.5 20190919: First set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 9/19/2019)
Version 4.2.6 20190921: Second set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 9/21/2019)
Version 4.2.7 20190921: Third set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 9/21/2019)
Version 4.2.8 20190922: Changing regiment size to be based on commander's "command" + "experience" attribute instead of control. Forcing all brigade commanders into 2 control.
Version 4.2.9 20190927: Fourth set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 9/27/2019); Also changing brigade commander less effect the headcount of regiments brought to the battle. The random percent headcount has been increased.
Version 4.2.10 20191006: Fifth set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 10/06/2019)
Version 4.2.11 20191015: Sixth set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 10/15/2019). Also removing experience decrease for commanders that have no regiments or guns under their command.
Version 4.3.0 20191016: Adding initial objective delay battle generator option. Seventh set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 10/17/2019).
Version 4.4.0 20191019: Adding Random and RandomNoAttackDefend scenario types.
Version 4.4.1 20191101: Changing Shoes type when generated with random to force outer spawning.
Version 4.5.0 20191126: Adding Migrate, SplitMigrate, Shuffle, and SplitShuffle scenario types. Also seventh set of historical, regiment commander updates (through 11/26/2019).
Version 4.5.1 20191127: Updating Shuffle description, removing map 314 from list as it was bad, preventing multiple recordings of the same battle.
Version 4.5.2 20191215: Updating balancer to balance secondary attributes in parallel with experience
Version 4.5.3 20200105: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 01/05/2020)
Version 4.5.4 20200125: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 01/25/2020); Changing Kansas infantry regiments to be 'Territory' classtype.
Version 4.5.5 20200220: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 02/20/2020)
Version 5.0.0 20200307: Updating NGCMGamePlay (to fix the StoneWall unit type GUI background issue) as well as update the parameters to make rear fire a little less effective, make retreating units not get as tired. Artillery can now run and they run slightly faster than infantry, but slower than cavalry; they have the same walking speed though. Updating NGCMToolbar, NGCMToolBarRestrictedID to add artillery run command back in. What was previously NGCMGameplayExp is now the official NGCMGamePlay. The previous NGCMGamePlay has been renamed to NGCMGameplayLite (if anyone wants to play without the updated sprites). Updated GetSomeShoes and SplitGetSomeShoes to randomly select between 1 and half the army (in terms of division numbers) to be at the shoes instead of only 1 division.
Version 5.1.0 20200307: Adding Reinforcements, SplitReinforcements, StealSupplies, and SplitStealSupplies scenario types.
Version 5.1.1 20200307: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 03/07/2020)
Version 5.1.2 20200313: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 03/13/2020) and tweaking spawn of Random: GetSomeShoes, Steal Supplies, and Reinforcements
Version 5.2.0 20200319: Adding division battle history to divisiondetails pages and linking to those pages from others pages.
Version 5.2.1 20200320: Various minor UI improvements including confirmation dialog when you click "dismiss"
Version 5.2.2 20200320: Making login page redirect to the https version
Version 5.2.3 20200411: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 4/11/2020) and updating front page banners with new screenshots
Version 5.2.4 20200412: Fixing user password change page.
Version 5.2.5 20200417: Updating banners on front page.
Version 5.2.6 20200418: Further updates to banners on front page.
Version 6.0.0 20200530: Adding Scenario Designer capability that allows some amount of scenario customization.
Version 6.0.1 20200530: Scenario Designer Fixes; Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates (through 05/30/2020)
Version 6.0.2 20200531: Fixing admin cleanup
Version 6.1.0 20200605: Changing scenario designer to use more complex spawn bound areas. Army commanders can't deploy divisions in center. Split scenario type games have now a 66% chance of being adjacent quad (instead of some other cross or one quad only for a side spawn); previously it was 50%.
Version 6.1.1 20210108: Updating homepage to have more information on discord and battlequeue.
Version 6.1.2 20210115: Adding "Memorial Regiment Commander Names" in honor of Razorback and EJ. Changing max regiment tokens to 10 and regiment token battle size to be 4 (instead of 6).
Version 6.2.0 20210220: Adding ability to have historical brigade and battery commanders be requested. Also refactored some of the way the initial website laydown in the admin section works.
Version 6.2.1 20210220: Adding ability to spend tokens on brigade and artillery commanders.
Version 6.2.2 20210220: Updating max tokens to 15, changing tokens gained to be 0.1 (one every 10 battles), instead of current limit of 10 with one gained after every 25 battles. Also gave all users 1 extra token + rounded any partials add another token.
Version 6.2.3 20210223: Updating for Strong Vincent commander
Version 6.2.4 20210226: Updating historical battery commander names (first batch)
Version 6.2.5 20210227: Hotfix to using tokens on artillery commanders; more historical commander updates.
Version 6.3.0 20210301: Updating to more responsive/dynamic mydivisions page.
Version 6.3.1 20210302: My Divisions page updated for more status information.
Version 6.4.0 20210305: My Divisions page updated for more status information--such as replacement notes.
Version 6.5.0 20210325: My Divisions page updated to allow tokens to be used on guns.
Version 7.0.0 20210402: Adding "Blue Zouave" Units. Adding more Historical Maps. This update requires users to download the following new mods: NGCMGamePlay (version 0.6), NGCMHistoricalMaps (version 0.2) or updated version of NGCMAllMaps (version 0.4). The NGCMGamePlayLite (version 0.7) has also been updated. Several new historical Artillery commanders have been added.
Version 7.0.1 20210409: Few regiment class updates.
Version 7.0.2 20211009: Historical regiment name update; changing mercy limit to 5 regiments (from 4). Updated help.
Version 7.0.3 20211112: Updated the limiting system to a max of 12 infantry, 16 artillery, and 10 cavalry. User preferences also show the admin limits now. New users are by default now set to 4 infantry regiments, 6 artillery guns, and 0 cavalry regiments in their limits. New user army corp preference is now set to 0 by default as well. Division replacements has been updated to be far less generous on the number of men given back each turn. The goal is to have a wider variety of regiment sizes in the battle--rather than all 500+ men regiments. To slightly compensate those users that play more often, each battle will now give access to 2 turns per battle rather than 1 (+ 1 free turn per day as well).
Version 7.0.4 20211126: Adding text to index page to keep browsers from thinking it's in French. Removing map 572 from list as it has wrong mini-mmap.
Version 7.0.5 20220101: Adding pages to limit battles pages from loading all previous battles. Adding more objective style options.
Version 7.0.6 20220205: Adding Draw, CS, US Win rate to battles page
Version 7.0.7 20220225: Next set of historical, regiment commander name updates + new reb regiments (through 02/25/2022)
Version 7.1.0 20220319: Adding Side Preferences
Version 7.1.1 20220408: Patch to guard against creating multiple divisions per user
Version 8.0.0 20220429: Updting NGCMGamePlay to version 0.7 to make US vs CS artillery equal and fix SharpShooter death sprites
Version 8.0.1 20220520: Updating for Evander M Law and historical regiment commander update
Version 8.0.2 20220605: Updating for Alexander S Webb and historical regiment commander update
Version 8.0.2 20220609: Including cavalry in objective value by army percent calculation.
Version 8.0.2 20220708: Additional Colored Regiments added and several others changed to colored.
Version 8.1.0 20220709: Disabling SplitShoes, SplitReinforcements, SplitStealSupplies battle types
Version 8.2.0 20220819: Changing artillery to be in a range of 1-15 men (instead of always 10). Also capping experience for artillery at 7.
Version 8.3.0 20220905: Adding statistics per-division to the Battle Details page.
Version 8.3.1 20220910: Fixing statistics (regiment counts).
Version 8.3.2 20221023: Updating Shoe-stype spawn boundaries
Version 8.3.3 20221028: Further updates to Shoe-stype spawn boundaries
Version 8.4.0 20221103: Adding Offset battle type where objectives don't appear in the middle but in non-army-spawn quads
Version 8.5.0 20221104: Adding EqualDistance battle type where objectives appear on the line that defines the equal distance between the two weighted-average army spawn locations
Version 8.5.1 20221111: Adding user rating calculated based upon net casualties; this rating is calculated over the past approximately 15 battles. This rating is then used to determine a dynamic division regiment limit.
Version 8.5.2 20221112: Adding ability to spend tokens on extra "super turns" (turns on both CS and US divisions at the same time).
Version 8.6.0 20221113: Adding "My Statistics" page
Version 8.6.1 20221114: Updating Pairing statistics to sort pairings with less than 5 battles to the bottom
Version 8.6.1 20221121: Adding OffsetGetSomeShoes battle type
Version 8.7.0 20221202: Adding user preferences to reduce division size by headcount as well as regiment count. Updating user ratings to calculate a net casualty rating, participation rating, and a win rating that are used in both the regiment and the headcount/size limits. Updated the balancer to not always balance via removing regiments (it prefers to reduce regiment sizes now). Updated commanders for thier command rating and their experience to have more effect on the regiment sizes.
Version 8.7.1 20221202: Updating participation statistics to zero out games that have less than 15% casualties for their team.
Version 8.7.2 20221203: Updating participation statistics to be calculated based on the best ratio of the divisions inflicted and taken casualties to the overall army vs the division headcount to army headcount. Also updating the balancer to not prefer reducing regiment size so aggressively.
Version 8.7.3 20221204: Further tweaks to the participation statistics
Version 9.0.0 20221231: Updating NGCMGamePlay to version 0.8 to make running, charging, retreating, advancing, falling back all inflict more fatigue. To offset it a bit, Taking Cover (laying down) regenerates fatigue a bit faster.
Version 9.0.1 20230128: Updating CS troops to have a higher starting moral. Adding more statistcs to the battles page about which side is winning.
Version 10.0.0 20230304: Updating NGCMGamePlay to reduce fatigue penalty somewhat. Disabling side preferences temporarily.
Version 10.0.1 20230310: Updating to make rating statistics have a min of 5 regiment limit and 2000 men limit..
Version 10.0.2 20230324: Updating NGCMGameplay download link. (No actual mod change, just archive file update.)
Version 10.0.3 20230506: Updating to add in William T Wofford as a brigade commander, changing 90th Illinios to T O'Meara and have an Irish Flag
Version 10.0.4 20230520: Updating to restore CS and US moral to equality.
Version 10.1.0 20230527: Adding OffsetAdjacent battle type. Adding some historical regiment commanders.
Version 10.1.1 20230529: Adding some historical regiment commanders.
Version 10.1.2 20230603: Adding some historical regiment commanders. Changing slightly brigade commander experience loss probability when 2 or more regiments are lost in his brigade.
Version 10.2.0 20230728: Adding NormalBalanced spawn type
Version 10.3.0 20230812: Adding percent replay complete to replay viewer; maybe need to ctrl-F5 to force replay viewer js to reload.
Version 11.0.0 20230818: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.0) to return artillery to have more varied shell and parameter types.
Version 12.0.0 20230819: Adding LowOnAmmo scenario type
Version 13.0.0 20230825: Removing LowOnAmmo scenario type; adding ability to set inner divisions to be low on ammo for GetSomeShoes, SteelSupplies, Reinforcement type games
Version 13.0.1 20230826: Changing ammo level to 10 rounds per regiment for low ammo divisions.
Version 13.1.0 20230901: Updating Shoes type spawns to not choose poorly rated divisions as inner divisions with games of more than 6 players. Adding MiddleEllipseArc and OuterEllipseArc spawn styles.
Version 13.1.1 20230901: Modifying spawn parameters on GetSomeShoes type spawns to use new ellipse type spawns.
Version 13.1.2 20230906: Adding several new regiments including 1st-6th U.S. Volunteers ("Galvanized Yankees")
Version 14.0.0 20231117: Adding BalanceStyles to make balancing configurable (Hybrid, RegimentCount->HeadCount, RegimentCount, HeadCount, None)
Version 14.1.0 20231120: For non battle queue set team games, making sure the lowest ranked player is on the team with more players if it's an odd player count; historical regiment commander updates. Also updated US corps/divisions/brigades to use consistent flags when possible.
Version 14.1.1 20231124: Updating alternative balancing algorithms to not reduce regiment sizes too much.
Version 14.1.2 20231201: Fixing various method calls to go to PHP 8.2
Version 14.2.0 20231207: Adding the concept of "bonus objectives" (objectives that are waypoint, capture one time objectives)
Version 14.3.0 20231229: Adding some percent detail stats to replay viewer.
Version 14.4.0 20240101: Adding ability to be a "brigade-division" of another division. The other division has to enable Army/Corps preference >0 and not be wanting to be a small division themselves. Also, small divisions will force their regiment limit to 4 regiments (any combination of infantry vs cavalry) and 0 guns. Also re-enabling side-preferences, but now they cost token portions to set and the preference will be set back to 0 as soon as a battle is recorded where the preference was honored. Increased token rate to 0.2 per game and increased token accumulation cap to 100.
Version 15.0.0 20240106: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.1) to fix blue zuave run speed, artillery sprites, and 10 lb parrot between US and CS stats. Thanks to Firetom for the suggested changes.
Version 15.0.1 20240126: Add Stannard brigade commander, updating balancer
Version 16.0.0 20240202: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.2) to allow max ammo specification. Also updating artillery sprite ratio to 15.
Version 16.0.1 20240203: Some minor tweaks to how Shoes objectives are located as well as 2x-1x and other non-even style of objectives are located.
Version 17.0.0 20240217: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.3) to reduce Cavalry effectiveness against infantry in melee/non-open terrain and slightly increase its speed. Adding ability to admin override User's Army/Corps Preference setting.
Version 18.0.0 20240302: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.4) to reduce the fatigue penalty from terrain for cavalry that 1.3 introduced.
Version 18.0.1 20240315: Renaming "looses" to "loses"
Version 18.0.2 20240316: Adding more buffer to GetSomeShoes spawns
Version 18.0.3 20240411: Add several new regiments.
Version 19.0.0 20240802: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.5) to differentiate the range on some artillery.
Version 19.1.0 20240802: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.6) refinements to artillery range updates.
Version 19.2.0 20240803: Disabling token cost for getting Artillery Guns.
Version 19.3.0 20240818: Updating NGCMGameplay (version 1.7) further refinements to artillery range updates.