Battle 4764 Details

Battle ID:4764
Scenario Type:Encounter
Date & Time:Nov 24, 2024 05:25:37 pm America/Chicago
Player Count:10
CS Players:
Robert Macleod
NY Cavalry
US Players:
WJ Palmer
Result: Union Victory
Replay:View Replay


Name Status Casualties Inflicted
Andy Mathess Rallying 8420 8250
  Gideon Sherod Rallying 5345 5537
    Joshua S.Windsor Rallying 2019 2036
      Levi M Dunn Moving 663 556
        61st Georgia Lt Col W Robinson Routed 225 181
        28th Georgia Col B Caskey Routed 217 162
        26th Georgia Col G Green Engaged 221 213
      Samuel E Day Rallying 682 530
        10th Texas Lt Col Noland Routed 246 246
        1st Texas Col H Brock Routed 223 141
        16th Texas Col W Day Moving 213 143
      Julius H Blan Rallying 670 498
        61st Alabama Lt Col M Pearce Routed 187 114
        23rd Alabama Col J Shackelford Resting 220 166
        14th Alabama Col B Williams Resting 263 218
      William C Massey Rallying 0 97
        3in Ordnance Sgt Bolling Engaged 0 4
        3in Ordnance Cpl Weaver Engaged 0 12
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Steuart Engaged 0 27
        3in Ordnance Sgt Benyan Engaged 0 30
        3in Ordnance Sgt Poe Engaged 0 24
      Charles M Gordon Rallying 4 355
        10lb Parrott 2Lt White Engaged 0 92
        10lb Parrott Cpl Davison Engaged 0 74
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Northcut Engaged 0 44
        10lb Parrott Sgt Hill Engaged 0 77
        10lb Parrott Sgt Sawyer Engaged 4 36
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Gibson Engaged 0 32
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
      Lt Col Thompson's Wagon Resting 0 0
    Robert MacLeod Rallying 2072 2179
      James M Mink Rallying 1144 1203
        41st Virginia Col P Jernigan Resting 223 157
        31st Virginia Lt Col A Hubbard Routed 287 350
        13th Virginia Lt Col C Carmichael Engaged 145 216
        12th Virginia Lt Col Loper Engaged 250 232
        8th Virginia Col E Fendley Engaged 239 248
      Peter Todd In Trouble 928 794
        49th Virginia Col K Mitchell Retreating 218 151
        33rd Virginia Lt Col E Pardue Engaged 272 189
        7th Virginia Lt Col Martin Engaged 176 314
        58th Virginia Lt Col D Litton Moving 262 140
      John D Riley Rallying 0 52
        6lb Model 1841 Sgt McQueen Limbered 0 7
        12lb Blakely 2Lt Warren Limbered 0 33
        6lb Model 1841 Sgt Kent Limbered 0 2
        10lb Parrott Cpl Carter Limbered 0 7
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Gardner Limbered 0 3
      Jesse G Screws Rallying 0 110
        3in Ordnance Sgt Ferguson Engaged 0 24
        3in Ordnance Cpl Stewart Resting 0 12
        3in Ordnance Cpl Fagg Engaged 0 34
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Parsons Engaged 0 40
      Eli E Robinson Rallying 0 20
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Jarrell Resting 0 1
        6lb Model 1841 Sgt Hodges Resting 0 2
        10lb Parrott Sgt Buckner Engaged 0 17
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Routed 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    Vito Nicola Nunziante Rallying 1254 1322
      John D Pillow Rallying 1254 1234
        12th Mississippi Lt Col Hill Resting 175 136
        3rd Mississippi Lt Col C Meharg Resting 164 166
        12th Georgia Col R Hall Resting 238 272
        12th Alabama Lt Col E Oldes Resting 207 173
        14th Mississippi Lt Col C Wall Resting 235 190
        32nd Arkansas Col H Maughan Moving 235 297
      William C Northcutt Rallying 0 88
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Lanton Resting 0 7
        3in Ordnance Cpl Lyle Engaged 0 15
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Carter Engaged 0 10
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Cole Engaged 0 21
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Hudson Engaged 0 23
        3in Ordnance Cpl Parker Engaged 0 12
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Routed 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
  John E Messer Rallying 3075 2713
    P Beauregard Moving 1852 1878
      John W Bush Moving 838 904
        12th Mississippi Lt Col S Milner Routed 231 207
        47th Alabama Lt Col J Morton Engaged 176 231
        46th Tennessee Col Pritchett Routed 292 304
        4th South Carolina Col B Collins Moving 139 162
      Robert H Wooten In Trouble 968 866
        60th Georgia Lt Col S Sharpe Moving 163 120
        62nd Tennessee Col B Compton Routed 255 188
        3rd Tennessee Col B Morgan Routed 260 212
        60th Virginia Lt Col F Moore Moving 290 346
      Gideon W Hobson Moving 0 6
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Smith Limbered 0 6
        24lb Howitzer 2Lt Griffin Limbered 0 0
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Turner Limbered 0 0
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Lee Limbered 0 0
        24lb Howitzer Cpl Engle Limbered 0 0
      James O Gatewood Resting 46 102
        12lb Blakely Sgt Willard Routed 9 23
        3in Ordnance Sgt Heth Routed 9 23
        12lb Blakely 2Lt Jones Routed 10 30
        20lb Parrott Sgt Chandler Routed 10 26
        12lb Whitworth Cpl Johnson Limbered 8 0
      Objective Holder Moving 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Moving 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Moving 0 0
    Jorsonner F K Zollicoffer Rallying 1223 835
      John K Wooley Rallying 566 329
        64th North Carolina Lt Col L Jornsy Routed 120 68
        51st North Carolina Col M Coomer Routed 174 120
        50th North Carolina Col E Montgomery Routed 97 70
        37th Arkansas Col M Nichols Taking Cover 175 71
      Thomas Landers Lost 624 322
        3rd Tennessee Lt Col S Cox Routed 193 84
        28th Arkansas Col B Hendrickson Routed 113 73
        61st Tennessee Lt Col D McClung Routed 125 35
        33rd Tennessee Lt Col Madden Routed 193 130
      William L Ulmer Rallying 33 184
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Fays Engaged 0 21
        10lb Parrott Sgt Granbury Routed 10 13
        10lb Parrott Sgt Stanfield Routed 9 33
        10lb Parrott Sgt Willhelms Engaged 2 41
        10lb Parrott Sgt Sterne Routed 9 32
        12lb Napoleon Sgt McDonald Engaged 3 44
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
  Confederate Courier Moving 0 0


Name Status Casualties Inflicted
Lewis M McClelan Rallying 8250 8420
  John J Murphy Resting 3850 4556
    WJ Palmer Rallying 758 1327
      Adelbert Barns Moving 758 1235
        1st New Mexico Col H Selden Resting 73 66
        2nd Colorado Col J Ford Taking Cover 91 142
        3rd Ohio Col C Gillispie Resting 184 295
        2nd Ohio Col A Wells Taking Cover 93 364
        1st Ohio Col B Annstutze Taking Cover 170 225
        20th Maine Col J Chamberlain Engaged 147 143
      Alonzo H Cushing Rallying 0 48
        10lb Parrott Cpl Osborne Engaged 0 0
        10lb Parrott Sgt Intermela Engaged 0 21
        10lb Parrott Cpl Nicols Engaged 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Moor Engaged 0 9
        10lb Parrott Cpl Fulton Engaged 0 18
      Charles E Hazlett Rallying 0 44
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Voers Engaged 0 4
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Royal Engaged 0 4
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Diedrich Unlimbering 0 14
        12lb Napoleon 2Lt Jellison Engaged 0 6
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Tanfield Limbered 0 8
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Snider Moving 0 8
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Routed 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    William V. Rogers Resting 1687 1756
      Luther Metz Resting 399 361
        5th Maine Col M Dunnell Moving 208 210
        1st Louisiana Col W Larrison Moving 191 151
      Charles N Taebel Rallying 900 991
        142nd Pennsylvania Col A Rennie Routed 258 292
        12th Missouri Col B Maggsse Moving 233 236
        95th Indiana Col B Stiteler Routed 231 202
        65th Indiana Lt Col W Truitt Resting 178 261
      Thomas S Reigle Rallying 370 203
        5th Kansas Lt Col H Ramsey Routed 211 130
        14th West Virginia Col Hanson Moving 159 73
      Bayard Wilkinson Resting 8 22
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Duncle Engaged 5 9
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Underwood Resting 0 11
        12lb Napoleon 2Lt Miller Engaged 3 2
      George W Norton Resting 5 42
        10lb Parrott Cpl Haguy Of Hagey Resting 0 22
        3in Ordnance Cpl Barrack Limbered 5 20
        3in Ordnance Sgt Hanlon Resting 0 0
      Hubert Dilger Rallying 5 137
        3in Ordnance Sgt Whetten Resting 0 17
        3in Ordnance Sgt Mellender Resting 0 27
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Avey Resting 5 55
        3in Ordnance Sgt Machamer Resting 0 38
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    Benjamin Willard Moving 1405 1473
      George A Thomas Moving 725 510
        63rd Ohio Lt Col Graham Moving 261 194
        108th U.S. Colored Col K Jackson Moving 227 164
        149th Ohio Col B Weatley Rallying 237 152
      George A Dawson Rallying 669 789
        124th Indiana Lt Col Joiner Moving 230 343
        63rd Indiana Col Cory Engaged 170 230
        20th Indiana Lt Col J Kilborn Resting 269 216
      James A Hall Rallying 8 111
        10lb Parrott Sgt Kennedy Limbered 0 55
        10lb Parrott Sgt Call Limbered 0 8
        10lb Parrott Sgt Bender Limbered 8 11
        3in Ordnance Cpl Broomell Limbered 0 37
      Alexander A Bunker Rallying 3 63
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Shierley Limbered 0 6
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Kellerman Limbered 1 23
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Patterson Limbered 0 8
        12lb Napoleon Cpl McClintock Limbered 2 26
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
      Lt Col Eader's Wagon Resting 0 0
  Joel Borry Rallying 4400 3864
    Albrecht Hoffmann Rallying 2857 2040
      Gilman H Denight Rallying 679 405
        16th U.S. Lt Col Herman Captured 199 143
        14th U.S. Col W Sweatland Moving 275 142
        13th U.S. Col C Nunnamaker Captured 205 120
      Andrew D Pearson Resting 918 785
        149th Pennsylvania Lt Col A Whambolt Routed 234 197
        143rd Pennsylvania Col R Rencheller Routed 150 74
        62nd Pennsylvania Col T Blain Engaged 248 339
        150th Pennsylvania Col F Bramble Routed 286 175
      Florence Hutchinson Lost 1256 680
        6th U.S. Col F Bamberger Routed 194 72
        5th U.S. Col S Syberts Routed 262 151
        4th U.S. Col L Spring Routed 261 152
        3rd U.S. Lt Col Wilcox Routed 281 122
        2nd U.S. Col Bonnell Routed 258 183
      James Stewart Resting 0 88
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Corbett Resting 0 33
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Gallagher Engaged 0 1
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Lidruf Engaged 0 12
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Looker Engaged 0 42
      Evan Thomas Resting 4 82
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Copeland Engaged 0 22
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Cammel Engaged 0 31
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Leonard Engaged 4 17
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Angell Engaged 0 12
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    Henry J. Willis Rallying 1543 1824
      Charles L Ellinger Rallying 1537 1663
        194th Pennsylvania Lt Col C Gamble Moving 129 82
        93rd Pennsylvania Lt Col T Smith Moving 255 241
        91st Pennsylvania Lt Col A Donnelly Resting 227 290
        98th New York Lt Col P Keffer Resting 185 269
        18th Indiana Lt Col King Moving 232 230
        136th U.S. Colored Col S Bartlebaugh Moving 210 184
        80th U.S. Colored Lt Col House Resting 112 202
        12th Wisconsin Lt Col Dawson Moving 187 165
      James H Cooper Rallying 6 161
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Britigam Engaged 0 11
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Reese Engaged 0 19
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Marghart Engaged 0 4
        3in Ordnance Sgt Ellis Engaged 3 58
        20lb Parrott 2Lt Pellor Engaged 0 8
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Connor Engaged 0 0
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Birney Engaged 3 41
        20lb Parrott 2Lt Ruff Engaged 0 20
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
      Maj Styne's Wagon Resting 0 0
  Union Courier Moving 0 0

Confederate Division Statistics

Name HeadCount Regiment Count Artillery Count Casualties Inflicted Inflicted by Artillery Lost Regiments Lost Artillery
Joshua S.Windsor 3446 9 11 2019 2036 452 5 0
Robert MacLeod 4403 9 12 2072 2179 182 1 0
Vito Nicola Nunziante 2876 6 6 1254 1322 88 0 0
P Beauregard 3462 8 10 1852 1878 108 4 4
Jorsonner F K Zollicoffer 2620 8 6 1223 835 184 7 3

Union Division Statistics

Name HeadCount Regiment Count Artillery Count Casualties Inflicted Inflicted by Artillery Lost Regiments Lost Artillery
WJ Palmer 2699 6 11 758 1327 92 0 0
William V. Rogers 3224 8 10 1687 1756 201 3 0
Benjamin Willard 2688 6 8 1405 1473 174 0 0
Albrecht Hoffmann 4961 12 8 2857 2040 170 10 0
Henry J. Willis 3407 8 8 1543 1824 161 0 0

Specific Results:

  • 61st Georgia Lt Col W Robinson lost 189 men; caused 181 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 28th Georgia Col B Caskey lost 183 men; caused 162 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 26th Georgia Col G Green lost 186 men; caused 213 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Levi M Dunn's unit caused 556 casualties, gained 2.25 experience
  • 10th Texas Lt Col Noland lost 205 men; caused 246 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 1st Texas Col H Brock lost 188 men; caused 141 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 16th Texas Col W Day lost 179 men; caused 143 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Samuel E Day's unit caused 530 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 61st Alabama Lt Col M Pearce lost 157 men; caused 114 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 23rd Alabama Col J Shackelford lost 185 men; caused 166 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 14th Alabama Col B Williams lost 221 men; caused 218 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Julius H Blan's unit caused 498 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Bolling caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Weaver caused 12 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Steuart caused 27 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Benyan caused 30 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Poe caused 24 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • William C Massey's unit caused 97 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt White caused 92 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Davison caused 74 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Northcut caused 44 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Hill caused 77 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Sawyer caused 36 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Gibson caused 32 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Charles M Gordon's unit caused 355 casualties, gained 1.5 experience
  • 41st Virginia Col P Jernigan lost 188 men; caused 157 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 31st Virginia Lt Col A Hubbard lost 239 men; caused 350 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 13th Virginia Lt Col C Carmichael lost 121 men; caused 216 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 12th Virginia Lt Col Loper lost 210 men; caused 232 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 8th Virginia Col E Fendley lost 201 men; caused 248 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • James M Mink's unit caused 1203 casualties, gained 4.75 experience
  • 49th Virginia Col K Mitchell lost 184 men; caused 151 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 33rd Virginia Lt Col E Pardue lost 229 men; caused 189 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 7th Virginia Lt Col Martin lost 148 men; caused 314 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 58th Virginia Lt Col D Litton lost 221 men; caused 140 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Peter Todd's unit caused 794 casualties, gained 3.25 experience
  • 6lb Model 1841 Sgt McQueen caused 7 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Blakely 2Lt Warren caused 33 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 6lb Model 1841 Sgt Kent caused 2 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Carter caused 7 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Gardner caused 3 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • John D Riley's unit caused 52 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Ferguson caused 24 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Stewart caused 12 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Fagg caused 34 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Parsons caused 40 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Jesse G Screws's unit caused 110 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Jarrell caused 1 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 6lb Model 1841 Sgt Hodges caused 2 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Buckner caused 17 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Eli E Robinson's unit caused 20 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 12th Mississippi Lt Col Hill lost 147 men; caused 136 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 3rd Mississippi Lt Col C Meharg lost 139 men; caused 166 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 12th Georgia Col R Hall lost 199 men; caused 272 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 12th Alabama Lt Col E Oldes lost 174 men; caused 173 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 14th Mississippi Lt Col C Wall lost 198 men; caused 190 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 32nd Arkansas Col H Maughan lost 197 men; caused 297 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • John D Pillow's unit caused 1234 casualties, gained 5 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Lanton caused 7 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Lyle caused 15 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Carter caused 10 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Cole caused 21 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Hudson caused 23 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Parker caused 12 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • William C Northcutt's unit caused 88 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 12th Mississippi Lt Col S Milner lost 194 men; caused 207 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 47th Alabama Lt Col J Morton lost 148 men; caused 231 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 46th Tennessee Col Pritchett lost 245 men; caused 304 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 4th South Carolina Col B Collins lost 116 men; caused 162 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • John W Bush's unit caused 904 casualties, gained 3.5 experience
  • 60th Georgia Lt Col S Sharpe lost 138 men; caused 120 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 62nd Tennessee Col B Compton lost 215 men; caused 188 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 3rd Tennessee Col B Morgan lost 217 men; caused 212 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 60th Virginia Lt Col F Moore lost 244 men; caused 346 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • Robert H Wooten's unit caused 866 casualties, gained 3.5 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Smith caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Gideon W Hobson's unit caused 6 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 12lb Blakely Sgt Willard Routed, it was destroyed
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Heth Routed, it was destroyed
  • 12lb Blakely 2Lt Jones Routed, it was destroyed
  • 20lb Parrott Sgt Chandler Routed, it was destroyed
  • James O Gatewood's unit caused 102 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 64th North Carolina Lt Col L Jornsy lost 101 men; caused 68 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 51st North Carolina Col M Coomer lost 146 men; caused 120 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 50th North Carolina Col E Montgomery lost 82 men; caused 70 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 37th Arkansas Col M Nichols lost 147 men; caused 71 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • John K Wooley lost 3 regiments, he was wounded and then died
  • 3rd Tennessee Lt Col S Cox lost 162 men; caused 84 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 28th Arkansas Col B Hendrickson lost 95 men; caused 73 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 61st Tennessee Lt Col D McClung lost 105 men; caused 35 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 33rd Tennessee Lt Col Madden lost 163 men; caused 130 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Thomas Landers had a completely routed unit, he died
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Fays caused 21 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Granbury Routed, it was destroyed
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Stanfield Routed, it was destroyed
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Willhelms caused 41 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Sterne Routed, it was destroyed
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt McDonald caused 44 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • William L Ulmer's unit caused 184 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 1st New Mexico Col H Selden lost 43 men; caused 66 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 2nd Colorado Col J Ford lost 54 men; caused 142 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 3rd Ohio Col C Gillispie lost 109 men; caused 295 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 2nd Ohio Col A Wells lost 56 men; caused 364 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 1st Ohio Col B Annstutze lost 102 men; caused 225 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 20th Maine Col J Chamberlain lost 87 men; caused 143 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Adelbert Barns's unit caused 1235 casualties, gained 5 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Intermela caused 21 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Moor caused 9 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Fulton caused 18 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Alonzo H Cushing's unit caused 48 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Voers caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Royal caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Diedrich caused 14 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon 2Lt Jellison caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Tanfield caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Snider caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Charles E Hazlett's unit caused 44 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 5th Maine Col M Dunnell lost 124 men; caused 210 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 1st Louisiana Col W Larrison lost 114 men; caused 151 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Luther Metz's unit caused 361 casualties, gained 1.5 experience
  • 142nd Pennsylvania Col A Rennie lost 148 men; caused 292 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 12th Missouri Col B Maggsse lost 139 men; caused 236 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 95th Indiana Col B Stiteler lost 135 men; caused 202 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 65th Indiana Lt Col W Truitt lost 102 men; caused 261 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Charles N Taebel's unit caused 991 casualties, gained 4 experience
  • 5th Kansas Lt Col H Ramsey lost 125 men; caused 130 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 14th West Virginia Col Hanson lost 96 men; caused 73 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Thomas S Reigle's unit caused 203 casualties, gained 0.75 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Duncle caused 9 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Underwood caused 11 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon 2Lt Miller caused 2 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Bayard Wilkinson's unit caused 22 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Haguy Of Hagey caused 22 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Barrack caused 20 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • George W Norton's unit caused 42 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Whetten caused 17 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Mellender caused 27 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Avey caused 55 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Machamer caused 38 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Hubert Dilger's unit caused 137 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 63rd Ohio Lt Col Graham lost 156 men; caused 194 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 108th U.S. Colored Col K Jackson lost 136 men; caused 164 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 149th Ohio Col B Weatley lost 142 men; caused 152 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • George A Thomas's unit caused 510 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 124th Indiana Lt Col Joiner lost 138 men; caused 343 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 63rd Indiana Col Cory lost 99 men; caused 230 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 20th Indiana Lt Col J Kilborn lost 157 men; caused 216 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • George A Dawson's unit caused 789 casualties, gained 3.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Kennedy caused 55 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Call caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Bender caused 11 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Broomell caused 37 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • James A Hall's unit caused 111 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Shierley caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Kellerman caused 23 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Patterson caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl McClintock caused 26 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Alexander A Bunker's unit caused 63 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 16th U.S. Lt Col Herman captured, it was lost
  • 14th U.S. Col W Sweatland lost 165 men; caused 142 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 13th U.S. Col C Nunnamaker captured, it was lost
  • Gilman H Denight's unit caused 405 casualties, gained 1.5 experience
  • 149th Pennsylvania Lt Col A Whambolt lost 140 men; caused 197 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 143rd Pennsylvania Col R Rencheller lost 88 men; caused 74 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 62nd Pennsylvania Col T Blain lost 147 men; caused 339 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 150th Pennsylvania Col F Bramble lost 167 men; caused 175 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Andrew D Pearson's unit caused 785 casualties, gained 2.25 experience
  • 6th U.S. Col F Bamberger lost 113 men; caused 72 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 5th U.S. Col S Syberts lost 158 men; caused 151 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 4th U.S. Col L Spring lost 154 men; caused 152 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 3rd U.S. Lt Col Wilcox lost 167 men; caused 122 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 2nd U.S. Col Bonnell lost 150 men; caused 183 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Florence Hutchinson had a completely routed unit, he died
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Corbett caused 33 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Gallagher caused 1 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Lidruf caused 12 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Looker caused 42 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • James Stewart's unit caused 88 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Copeland caused 22 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Cammel caused 31 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Leonard caused 17 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Angell caused 12 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Evan Thomas's unit caused 82 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 194th Pennsylvania Lt Col C Gamble lost 77 men; caused 82 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 93rd Pennsylvania Lt Col T Smith lost 150 men; caused 241 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 91st Pennsylvania Lt Col A Donnelly lost 133 men; caused 290 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 98th New York Lt Col P Keffer lost 110 men; caused 269 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 18th Indiana Lt Col King lost 139 men; caused 230 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 136th U.S. Colored Col S Bartlebaugh lost 126 men; caused 184 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 80th U.S. Colored Lt Col House lost 67 men; caused 202 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 12th Wisconsin Lt Col Dawson lost 111 men; caused 165 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Charles L Ellinger's unit caused 1663 casualties, gained 6.75 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Britigam caused 11 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Reese caused 19 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Marghart caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Ellis caused 58 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 20lb Parrott 2Lt Pellor caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Birney caused 41 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 20lb Parrott 2Lt Ruff caused 20 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • James H Cooper's unit caused 161 casualties, gained 0.75 experience