Battle 4761 Details

Battle ID:4761
Creator:WJ Palmer
Scenario Type:Encounter
Date & Time:Nov 23, 2024 05:23:29 pm America/Chicago
Player Count:8
CS Players:
WJ Palmer
US Players:
Result: Union Victory
Replay:View Replay


Name Status Casualties Inflicted
Evander W Wilhite Rallying 5113 5385
  John L Maxey Resting 2580 2213
    Joshua S.Windsor Rallying 1681 1456
      Levi M Dunn Rallying 1088 727
        2nd Alabama Col H Maury Routed 251 185
        61st Alabama Lt Col M Pearce Resting 197 124
        23rd Alabama Col J Shackelford Moving 193 128
        36th Alabama Lt Col S Holley Moving 216 145
        14th Alabama Col B Williams Rallying 231 145
      Julius H Blan Rallying 593 692
        41st Georgia Col Humphrey Resting 208 165
        28th Georgia Col B Caskey Resting 84 192
        26th Georgia Col G Green Routed 274 257
        18th Georgia Lt Col Gardner Resting 27 78
      William C Massey Rallying 0 8
        3in Ordnance Cpl Simms Engaged 0 2
        3in Ordnance Cpl Weaver Unlimbering 0 0
        3in Ordnance Sgt Benyan Engaged 0 6
        3in Ordnance Sgt Poe Engaged 0 0
      Charles M Gordon Rallying 0 29
        10lb Parrott 2Lt White Limbered 0 29
        10lb Parrott Cpl Davison Limbered 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Northcut Limbered 0 0
        10lb Parrott Sgt Hill Limbered 0 0
        10lb Parrott Sgt Sawyer Limbered 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Gibson Limbered 0 0
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    Patrick Ronayne Cleburne Rallying 899 757
      Calaway H Messer Resting 434 256
        29th Louisiana Col W Neeley Resting 84 91
        21st South Carolina Lt Col L Golson Routed 227 30
        17th North Carolina Lt Col Girardey Resting 123 135
      Henry G Oliver Rallying 465 413
        59th Alabama Lt Col E Smith Routed 238 106
        27th North Carolina Col Foster Engaged 125 184
        64th Virginia Lt Col Phillips Engaged 102 123
      John M Winton Resting 0 48
        12lb Whitworth 2Lt Hamilton Engaged 0 10
        10lb Parrott Sgt Kirk Engaged 0 13
        10lb Parrott Sgt Pool Engaged 0 9
        10lb Parrott Sgt Sockwell Engaged 0 16
      Jasper O Jordan Rallying 0 40
        10lb Parrott Cpl Pritchard Engaged 0 18
        10lb Parrott Sgt Boney Engaged 0 16
        10lb Parrott Cpl Holt Engaged 0 6
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
  William H January Rallying 2533 3172
    WJ Palmer Rallying 1457 1292
      Evander M Law Resting 1457 1203
        68th North Carolina Lt Col F Lamb Moving 85 291
        30th Georgia Col R White Captured 209 154
        44th Alabama Lt Col L Colther Routed 336 187
        4th Alabama Col Kennada Captured 298 171
        2nd Texas Col B Garven Engaged 278 225
        69th North Carolina Lt Col J Fleenor Engaged 251 175
      Aaron L Bledsoe Rallying 0 78
        10lb Parrott Sgt Dingler Engaged 0 9
        10lb Parrott Cpl Orr Unlimbering 0 14
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Shortridge Engaged 0 35
        10lb Parrott Sgt Oxford Unlimbering 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Scroggin Engaged 0 4
        Maj Bruce's Artillery Routed 0 16
      Thomas B Deshazo Rallying 0 11
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Harvell Limbered 0 0
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Crow Limbered 0 11
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Robinson Engaged 0 0
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Emmert Engaged 0 0
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    Vito Nicola Nunziante Moving 1076 1880
      John D Pillow Rallying 1076 1862
        3rd Mississippi Lt Col C Meharg Engaged 146 288
        61st Virginia Col Webster Engaged 229 429
        54th Virginia Lt Col Woolwine Retreating 230 374
        37th Virginia Lt Col M Lewis Retreating 194 440
        14th Mississippi Lt Col C Wall Engaged 104 144
        11th North Carolina Lt Col J Washburn Routed 173 187
      William C Northcutt Rallying 0 18
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Lanton Engaged 0 0
        3in Ordnance Cpl Lyle Engaged 0 8
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Carter Moving 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Cole Resting 0 9
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Hudson Engaged 0 1
        3in Ordnance Cpl Parker Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
  Confederate Courier Moving 0 0


Name Status Casualties Inflicted
John H Crosin Rallying 5385 5113
  William L Brady Resting 2616 2350
    Lincoln Rallying 1367 1405
      Charles S Beam Rallying 1296 1116
        208th Pennsylvania Lt Col O Nelas Resting 69 181
        75th Pennsylvania Maj A Ledig Resting 155 122
        38th Ohio Col H Reed Engaged 209 201
        91st New York Lt Col M Johnson Broken 207 66
        13th New Hampshire Lt Col B Hatfield Engaged 203 177
        9th Massachusetts Col P Guiney Routed 283 184
        104th Illinois Lt Col D Haperman Rallying 170 185
      Frederick Lynch Rallying 36 152
        3in Ordnance Cpl Purdy Engaged 2 13
        3in Ordnance Cpl Stevens Engaged 1 49
        3in Ordnance Cpl Schaffer Routed 8 2
        3in Ordnance Sgt Kears Routed 9 26
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Reed Routed 0 0
        3in Ordnance Sgt Pike Engaged 7 62
        Col Hayward's Artillery Routed 9 0
      William Wheeler Rallying 35 137
        3in Ordnance Cpl Sherman Moving 5 43
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Shumard Engaged 1 23
        3in Ordnance Sgt Barns Routed 9 8
        3in Ordnance Sgt Gordon Routed 11 47
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Corl Resting 0 2
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Hertzler Routed 9 14
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    Henry J. Willis Rallying 1249 945
      Charles L Ellinger Rallying 1249 870
        194th Pennsylvania Lt Col C Gamble Moving 157 68
        93rd Pennsylvania Lt Col T Smith Routed 183 43
        91st Pennsylvania Lt Col A Donnelly Moving 173 106
        81st New York Lt Col Easterood Engaged 186 202
        28th Michigan Lt Col G Wykoff Engaged 144 142
        18th Indiana Lt Col King Engaged 149 49
        136th U.S. Colored Col S Bartlebaugh Engaged 216 122
        12th Wisconsin Lt Col Dawson Engaged 41 138
      James H Cooper Rallying 0 75
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Britigam Engaged 0 13
        12lb Napoleon Sgt Reese Engaged 0 5
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Marghart Engaged 0 17
        3in Ordnance Sgt Ellis Engaged 0 18
        20lb Parrott 2Lt Pellor Engaged 0 4
        12lb Napoleon Cpl Connor Engaged 0 4
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Birney Engaged 0 6
        20lb Parrott 2Lt Ruff Engaged 0 8
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
  James Fox Rallying 2769 2763
    Albrecht Hoffmann Rallying 1735 1989
      Gilman H Denight Resting 229 197
        16th U.S. Lt Col Herman Resting 76 47
        15th U.S. Col Clark Engaged 153 150
      Andrew D Pearson Resting 612 892
        143rd Pennsylvania Col R Rencheller Moving 88 191
        62nd Pennsylvania Col T Blain Engaged 169 244
        28th Pennsylvania Col J Brown Engaged 57 102
        150th Pennsylvania Col F Bramble Resting 298 355
      Florence Hutchinson Resting 894 745
        1st U.S. Lt Col Tudor Resting 209 148
        6th U.S. Col F Bamberger Retreating 171 105
        5th U.S. Col S Syberts Engaged 191 152
        4th U.S. Col L Spring Moving 236 202
        2nd U.S. Col Bonnell Resting 87 138
      Edward Heaton Rallying 0 127
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Copeland Resting 0 33
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Cammel Resting 0 32
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Augustus Resting 0 22
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Leonard Resting 0 7
        3in Ordnance 2Lt Angell Engaged 0 13
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Hess Resting 0 20
      James Stewart Moving 0 28
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Mcarthur Unlimbering 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Corbett Unlimbering 0 13
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Hoiser Unlimbering 0 0
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Gallagher Unlimbering 0 6
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Lidruf Limbered 0 9
        10lb Parrott 2Lt Looker Limbered 0 0
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
    A.C.Woods Rallying 1034 774
      Patrick B Shirk Rallying 665 512
        79th Ohio Lt Col A Cline Routed 216 132
        71st Ohio Col W Holt Routed 323 237
        3rd Maryland Lt Col Payne Taking Cover 126 143
      John W Haynor Rallying 369 262
        35th New York Col Gilbert Routed 159 47
        22nd Michigan Lt Col Cannon Taking Cover 210 215
      Objective Holder Resting 0 0
      Ordnance Supply Wagon Resting 0 0
      Objective Holder Wagon Resting 0 0
  Union Courier Moving 0 0

Confederate Division Statistics

Name HeadCount Regiment Count Artillery Count Casualties Inflicted Inflicted by Artillery Lost Regiments Lost Artillery
Joshua S.Windsor 4131 9 10 1681 1456 37 2 0
Patrick Ronayne Cleburne 2407 6 7 899 757 88 2 0
WJ Palmer 3213 6 9 1457 1292 73 4 0
Vito Nicola Nunziante 2902 6 6 1076 1880 18 1 0

Union Division Statistics

Name HeadCount Regiment Count Artillery Count Casualties Inflicted Inflicted by Artillery Lost Regiments Lost Artillery
Lincoln 2707 7 12 1367 1405 289 2 6
Henry J. Willis 3278 8 8 1249 945 75 1 0
Albrecht Hoffmann 4983 11 12 1735 1989 155 0 0
A.C.Woods 1955 5 0 1034 774 0 3 0

Specific Results:

  • 2nd Alabama Col H Maury lost 211 men; caused 185 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 61st Alabama Lt Col M Pearce lost 166 men; caused 124 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 23rd Alabama Col J Shackelford lost 163 men; caused 128 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 36th Alabama Lt Col S Holley lost 182 men; caused 145 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 14th Alabama Col B Williams lost 194 men; caused 145 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Levi M Dunn's unit caused 727 casualties, gained 3 experience
  • 41st Georgia Col Humphrey lost 175 men; caused 165 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 28th Georgia Col B Caskey lost 71 men; caused 192 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 26th Georgia Col G Green lost 230 men; caused 257 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 18th Georgia Lt Col Gardner lost 24 men; caused 78 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Julius H Blan's unit caused 692 casualties, gained 2.75 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Simms caused 2 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Benyan caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • William C Massey's unit caused 8 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt White caused 29 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Charles M Gordon's unit caused 29 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 29th Louisiana Col W Neeley lost 71 men; caused 91 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 21st South Carolina Lt Col L Golson lost 191 men; caused 30 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 17th North Carolina Lt Col Girardey lost 104 men; caused 135 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Calaway H Messer's unit caused 256 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 59th Alabama Lt Col E Smith lost 199 men; caused 106 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 27th North Carolina Col Foster lost 105 men; caused 184 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 64th Virginia Lt Col Phillips lost 85 men; caused 123 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Henry G Oliver's unit caused 413 casualties, gained 1.75 experience
  • 12lb Whitworth 2Lt Hamilton caused 10 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Kirk caused 13 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Pool caused 9 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Sockwell caused 16 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • John M Winton's unit caused 48 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Pritchard caused 18 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Boney caused 16 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Holt caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Jasper O Jordan's unit caused 40 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 68th North Carolina Lt Col F Lamb lost 72 men; caused 291 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 30th Georgia Col R White captured, it was lost
  • 44th Alabama Lt Col L Colther lost 283 men; caused 187 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 4th Alabama Col Kennada captured, it was lost
  • 2nd Texas Col B Garven lost 233 men; caused 225 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 69th North Carolina Lt Col J Fleenor lost 212 men; caused 175 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Evander M Law lost 3 regiments, he was wounded and then died
  • 10lb Parrott Sgt Dingler caused 9 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott Cpl Orr caused 14 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Shortridge caused 35 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Scroggin caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Maj Bruce's Artillery lost 0 men; caused 16 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • Aaron L Bledsoe's unit caused 78 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Crow caused 11 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • Thomas B Deshazo's unit caused 11 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 3rd Mississippi Lt Col C Meharg lost 123 men; caused 288 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 61st Virginia Col Webster lost 193 men; caused 429 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 54th Virginia Lt Col Woolwine lost 194 men; caused 374 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 37th Virginia Lt Col M Lewis lost 164 men; caused 440 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 14th Mississippi Lt Col C Wall lost 88 men; caused 144 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 11th North Carolina Lt Col J Washburn lost 145 men; caused 187 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • John D Pillow's unit caused 1862 casualties, gained 7.5 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Lyle caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Cole caused 9 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Hudson caused 1 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • William C Northcutt's unit caused 18 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 208th Pennsylvania Lt Col O Nelas lost 41 men; caused 181 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 75th Pennsylvania Maj A Ledig lost 93 men; caused 122 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 38th Ohio Col H Reed lost 126 men; caused 201 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 91st New York Lt Col M Johnson lost 124 men; caused 66 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 13th New Hampshire Lt Col B Hatfield lost 119 men; caused 177 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 9th Massachusetts Col P Guiney lost 170 men; caused 184 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 104th Illinois Lt Col D Haperman lost 102 men; caused 185 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Charles S Beam's unit caused 1116 casualties, gained 4.5 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Purdy caused 13 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Stevens caused 49 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Schaffer Routed, it was destroyed
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Kears Routed, it was destroyed
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Reed Routed, it was destroyed
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Pike caused 62 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Frederick Lynch lost 4 guns, he was wounded and then died
  • 3in Ordnance Cpl Sherman caused 43 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Shumard caused 23 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Barns Routed, it was destroyed
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Gordon Routed, it was destroyed
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Corl caused 2 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Hertzler Routed, it was destroyed
  • William Wheeler's unit caused 137 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 194th Pennsylvania Lt Col C Gamble lost 95 men; caused 68 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 93rd Pennsylvania Lt Col T Smith lost 109 men; caused 43 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 91st Pennsylvania Lt Col A Donnelly lost 102 men; caused 106 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 81st New York Lt Col Easterood lost 112 men; caused 202 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 28th Michigan Lt Col G Wykoff lost 85 men; caused 142 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 18th Indiana Lt Col King lost 88 men; caused 49 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 136th U.S. Colored Col S Bartlebaugh lost 127 men; caused 122 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 12th Wisconsin Lt Col Dawson lost 24 men; caused 138 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Charles L Ellinger's unit caused 870 casualties, gained 3.5 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Britigam caused 13 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Sgt Reese caused 5 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Marghart caused 17 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance Sgt Ellis caused 18 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 20lb Parrott 2Lt Pellor caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 12lb Napoleon Cpl Connor caused 4 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Birney caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 20lb Parrott 2Lt Ruff caused 8 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • James H Cooper's unit caused 75 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 16th U.S. Lt Col Herman lost 46 men; caused 47 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 15th U.S. Col Clark lost 89 men; caused 150 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Gilman H Denight's unit caused 197 casualties, gained 0.75 experience
  • 143rd Pennsylvania Col R Rencheller lost 53 men; caused 191 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 62nd Pennsylvania Col T Blain lost 102 men; caused 244 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 28th Pennsylvania Col J Brown lost 34 men; caused 102 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 150th Pennsylvania Col F Bramble lost 174 men; caused 355 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • Andrew D Pearson's unit caused 892 casualties, gained 3.5 experience
  • 1st U.S. Lt Col Tudor lost 126 men; caused 148 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 6th U.S. Col F Bamberger lost 102 men; caused 105 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 5th U.S. Col S Syberts lost 115 men; caused 152 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 4th U.S. Col L Spring lost 139 men; caused 202 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 2nd U.S. Col Bonnell lost 52 men; caused 138 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Florence Hutchinson's unit caused 745 casualties, gained 3 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Copeland caused 33 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Cammel caused 32 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Augustus caused 22 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Leonard caused 7 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 3in Ordnance 2Lt Angell caused 13 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Hess caused 20 casualties, gained 0.25 experience
  • Edward Heaton's unit caused 127 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Corbett caused 13 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Gallagher caused 6 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • 10lb Parrott 2Lt Lidruf caused 9 casualties, gained 0.15 experience
  • James Stewart's unit caused 28 casualties, gained 0 experience
  • 79th Ohio Lt Col A Cline lost 126 men; caused 132 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 71st Ohio Col W Holt lost 189 men; caused 237 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • 3rd Maryland Lt Col Payne lost 75 men; caused 143 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • Patrick B Shirk's unit caused 512 casualties, gained 2 experience
  • 35th New York Col Gilbert lost 94 men; caused 47 casualties, gained 0.5 experience
  • 22nd Michigan Lt Col Cannon lost 122 men; caused 215 casualties, gained 1 experience
  • John W Haynor's unit caused 262 casualties, gained 1 experience